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Email Marketing Module
List & Contact Management
What is the Contacts Page for?
How do I find the Email Contacts List or Recipient List page?
Can I use the same list for Surveys and Email Campaigns?
How do I add new email recipients?
I am importing a new list into Email Marketing; do I have to take care of duplicates before importing?
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Overview Page
What is the Overview Page for?
How do I get to the Overview page?
Overview Page – Snapshot Tab
What is the Snapshot tab on the Overview page for?
What does each meter represent on the Shapsho view?
How can I see statistics for different campaigns that I sent through email?
Overview Page – Email Delivery Tab
What is the Email Delivery tab on the Overview Page for?
How can I see statistics for different campaigns?
What is the pie chart for?
What is the grid for?
Can I see which recipients have opened my email?
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Overview Page – Link Performance Tab
What is the Link Performance tab on the Overview page for?
What does the bar graph represent?
What is the Link Performance grid for?
How do I see statistics for links on different campaigns?
How do I know what link I am viewing statistics for?
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Overview Page – Monetization Tab
What is the Monetization tab on the Overview page for?
Overview Page – Campaign Trends Tab
What is the Campaign Trends tab on the Overview page for?
How can I view the trend for a particular campaign category?
How do I see the trend for a different email statistic (Opened, Unopened, Unsubscribed or Bounced)?
Email Template Editor
What is the “Templates” page for?
How do I narrow down the list of templates or search for a specific template?
How can I browse the DonorView predesigned templates only?
Can I view only the templates that I created?
Can I sort the templates?
View all 27
Email Marketing Campaigns
What is a campaign?
How do I find the “Campaigns” page?
Can I view a campaign that I’ve already sent?
Can I delete a campaign?
Can I copy a campaign that I have already done?
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