The Attendee Info tab allows you to collect information about your attendees and ask custom questions. The fields can be marked as "Required" which means that the person completing the form cannot submit the transaction until all information has been completed. Attempting to submit the form without providing information in all required fields will result in an error message.

Things to keep in mind when choosing to what information to collect and require on event forms:

1.  Collecting name, email, address, and phone number or marking fields as required can make the form more difficult for your constituents to complete. They may not have all the information, which may result in them abandoning the registration.

2. If the person completing the form does not have all requested or required information, they may put in false or fake information, just to complete the form. This results in inaccurate records for you.

3. Only collect Birthdate if you are currently collecting birthdate for all constituents OR your event attendees are primarily children. If Birthdate is activated, the software tries to match existing constituents using the birthdate, instead of using the email field.

4. Consider collecting the minimum information necessary to make the form as simple and quick to complete as possible for your registrant. 

5. If many of your registrants will be using a mobile phone to register, filling in fields using a mobile phone could be a hassle for your registrants even though the page is mobile-optimized.

On the public view of the form, all fields are shown as required, unless the registrant checks the box "Click here if some or all your attendee information is unavailable." This will allow the registrant to enter the information the do have, and if they don't have any of the information, the registrant's name will be used as a placeholder on the Event Attendance grid. You can update the information at a later time using the edit icon on the Event Attendance grid.