First ensure that you have direct mail activated in your user settings. See this article for information about updating your user settings: 

After filtering your grid to identify the group of constituents you wish to send a direct email and ensure they all have an email address. Click on Send Direct Mail from the Actions menu. 

A new window will open to allow you to:

  • Enter the name of the person sending the email under Email From Display Name
  • Enter the email address sending the message under Email From
  • Enter the Subject Line of the email message
  • Add a template or signature to the email body. You can learn more about these features in this article:
  • Under Email Options choose whether you want to Email to Primary Email or Email to All Emails in the profile record.
  • Enter the text for your Email Body. You can Insert Merge Fields from the data on the current grid
  • Add a small Attachment using the Select File button.

The blue text bar at the bottom will tell you how many records this message will be sent to.  Use the slide bar on the right side of the window to reveal the Send button to send your emails. A record of all direct emails sent to a constituent can be found in their profile record under the Email Marketing tab.