A subscription event must be created prior to making seats eligible for subscriptions. Once the subscription event is created, then go to the event page where the seats can be purchased. See the article “Using Seating Charts for Events” for more information about setting up theater-style seating for an event.

From the Event Pages grid, select the event and click on View/Edit. On the Event Settings tab, under the Financial Information Section, mark Accepting Subscription “YES.” When finished making your other selections on this tab, click Save and Next at the bottom of the page to proceed to the Event Setup Tab.

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On the Event Setup tab, you are now able to add the subscription information for the specific seats either by editing a single seat or using Batch Update. To edit a single seat, click on the edit icon to the left of the row. The Update Seat Detail window will open and allow you to add a category for the seat, which can be very helpful for filtering the grid.

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Mark Eligible for Subscription to “Yes” to reveal the accordion style selector for all the subscription event pages you have created. Under each page, the different subscription levels are shown. You can select whichever subscription levels you would like to be available for this seat. You can also mark it “Yes” for Subscription Only? if the seat will not be available for general purchase.


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When the purchaser clicks on the seats they want, they can verify they are in the correct subscription level. Click Update to update all the seats in the filtered list to be eligible for the subscription you’ve identified.

You can edit an individual seat anytime using the same steps, and remove subscriptions as needed by unchecking the box.

For Batch Updates, you will first filter the list to identify those seats that are available for subscriptions. If all seats will be eligible for subscriptions, there is no need to filter first. If you have tiered subscriptions, for example some seats are premium seats and therefore require a premium subscription, you’ll filter the list to identify those particular seats. When you are ready to update the seats, click on Batch Update.

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The Batch Update window allows you to enter the regular price for each set and assign a category. The status lets you know if a seat is sold, open, or reserved. Mark Is Eligible for Subscription to “Yes.” You will also have an option to update the seats to be only available for use with a Subscription, by selecting “Yes” under the Subscription Only field.

Below these two fields you will find an accordion style selector where you can select which Subscription Event Page you wish to expand and then select which specific Subscription Levels you will make available for the redemption of this seat or these seats. To select a Subscription Level, you can click the checkbox next to the Level or Levels you wish to include. These selections can be made for any Subscription Levels across your Subscription Event Pages. You can also remove a Subscription Level from redemption by unchecking the box next to that desired Level.

Under the Batch Update dialog, you can also remove Subscription Level from multiple seats. First filter the list for those seats you wish to update and remove subscription levels. The click on “Batch Update” to open the dialog box. Check the box next to “Select Checkbox to remove subscription” and then check the boxes next to the specific Subscription Level(s) you wish to remove. Click “Update” to save your changes.

Once the subscription seats are identified, the purchaser will enter their Subscription Pass Code and see the price reduced to zero once they click on Apply. The subscription pass code was emailed to them when they purchased the subscription, but it can also be found under the Ticket Number column on the Events Grid.

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Once the Subscription Pass Code is used, the message below will let them know how many tickets remain on their subscription.

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