When setting up a new event level you have several fields and settings to choose from:

Level Info Tab:

  1. Sort Order - This allows you to select the order the Levels appear in, the lower the number the higher it appears.
  2. Name - Give your Level a name.
  3. Description - Give your Level a description letting people know what is included with their purchase.
  4. Thank You Note - This field allows you to include specific messaging to be included on the Thank You message if this event level is included in a transaction.
  5. Price - Enter the cost of the Level.
  6. Non-Refundable Fee - Enter the amount that won't be given back to the purchaser if they ask for a refund.
  7. Tax-Deductible Amount - Does this amount differ from the cost of the Level, enter it here for internal tracking.
  8. Qty. Available (blank for unlimited) - Enter the total amount of this level that is available.
  9. Level Purch. Limit (blank for unlimited) - Enter the total amount of this level that can be selected during a single transaction.
  10. # of Attendees Per Purchase - Enter how many attendees are included with this level's purchase.
  11. Start Time - Time the event starts for this particular ticket level if different
  12. End Time - Time the event ends for this particular ticket level if different
  13. Days Available - For a recurring event you can select which days of the week this Event Level will be available for selection.
  14. Sponsorship Level - Select which Sponsorship Level you wish to connect the selection of this Event Level with.
  15. Level Location - In case your event has multiple locations for the purchaser to choose from.
  16. Constituent Category - Select the Category a purchaser of this level will be automatically subscribed to.
  17. Default Gift For - Select which Gift For should be assigned to the transaction record for this Event Level.

  18. Default Fund - Select which Fund should be assigned to the transaction record for this Event Level.

  19. Default Event - Select which Event should be assigned to the transaction record for this Event Level.

  20. Default Appeal - Select which Appeal should be assigned to the transaction record for this Event Level.

  21. Subscribe to Email List - Select which Email List the Constituent who selects this Event Level should be subscribed to.

  22. Inactive - If you no longer wish this Event Level to appear on the event form mark it inactive.
  23. Set Level Active Dates - Enter in a date range for when this level should appear active and available for registration and when it should become inactive and hidden from the form.
  24. Offline Level - Allow for this Event Level to be hidden from the public but allow for internal selection.
  25. Use Access Code - Allow for only Constituents with an Access Code to select this Event Level.
  26. Access Code - Enter the value to be used as the Access Code to make selection of this Event Level available.
  27. Member Only Level - Require anyone registering for this specific level to have an active membership connected to their constituent record. An active membership will be verified by requiring the registrant to enter in their email address. You can specify which membership page and which level they must have to purchase this level.
  28. Membership Purchase Form URL - If the registrant does not have the appropriate active membership and level when they enter their email address, a link to a membership page will be displayed. Here you can select which membership page they will be directed to in order to purchase the appropriate membership.
  29. Notify when level is sold out - Enter up to 5 email addresses that will be notified when this level sells out.

Upload Image Tab:

Here you are able to upload a single image that will be displayed within the Event Level. Click Select Files to upload your image or drag and drop the file into the box.

Time Tracking Defaults Tab:

The fields on this tab allow you to setup the specifics for a Time Tracking record that will be created based on the selection of this Event Level and when the registrant is checked in for the Event Attendance.

  1. Create time tracking on check in - This setting will allow for the Time Tracking record to be automatically created when the Attendee for this Event Level is check in for the Event Attendance.
  2. Constituent Service Category - Select which Category will be assigned to this Time Tracking record.
  3. Constituent Service Category 2 - Select the second Category that will be assigned to this Time Tracking record.
  4. Constituent Service Category 3 - Select the third Category that will be assigned to this Time Tracking record.
  5. Constituent Service Category 4 - Select the fourth Category that will be assigned to this Time Tracking record.
  6. Use level start & end time - This setting will allow for the Start and End Date/Time for the Time Tracking record to be taken from the Event Attendance Check In and Out.
  7. Hours/Minutes - If you are not using the previous setting then you can enter the specific Hours and Minutes that will be assigned to the Time Tracking record.
  8. Dollar Value - Enter a Amount that will be assigned to the Time Tracking record.

Search Options Tab:

Under the Search Options Tab you will be able to assign which Search Terms will be connected to this specific Event Level. Only one Search Term per Category can be assigned to the each Event Level. These selections will then be visible on the Event Registration form for the registrant to use for filtering the Event Levels.

Multi Day Attendance Tab:

This tab will allow you to internally select which days a specific level will occur. This second option is ideal for situations where you have classes or sessions that meet multiple days a week or month but the registrant only needs to purchase a single level.

Enable Multi Day Attendance – When set to Yes, this will allow you to make your multi day selections.

Class Start Date – Enter or select the first day this level will occur on.

Class End Date – Enter or select the last date this level will occur on.

Days Available – Select which days of the week this level will occur on.

Start Time – Enter or select the recurring start time for this level.

End Time – Enter or select the recurring end time for this level.

Calendar – Fine tune which days this level will occur on by adding or removing dates.

Ctrl + mouse click on a specific date will mark the date as selected. Selecting a date from a specific view without using the Ctrl key will deselect all previously selected dates.