Mouse over the "Workspace" menu and click on Events to open the Events Summary Dashboard.

Sub-Menu Options

Events: This will take you to the main Event grid where you are able to add queries and filters the grid to view all purchases that have been made through your event forms.

Events - QuickView: Shows the information related to the event purchases without including all the financial data, helpful to quickly loading the data for headcounts and simple email and mailing lists.

Event Attendance: This option will take you to where you can manage attendee information, take attendance for an event, or look at attendance for past events.

Event Assignments: This option will take you to where you are able to assign event attendees to the groups you have setup for that event, for example assigning players to teams for a golf event.

Table Assignments: This option allows you to create an interactive form to create a table layout for your event and assign attendees to their tables and seats

Table Templates: If you use the same venue or table layouts frequently, you can create templates to utilize for any new events with Table Assignments activated.

Scheduler: Will show attendees registered for recurring events (like classes) either by the day they are registered or show all registrants for the entire event.

Event Pages: Takes you to the grid where you can see links to all events, create and manage event registration pages, and manage your event calendar widget.

Mail Merge Templates: This option will take you to the Mail Merge Library where you can store and edit templates to send to constituents using the Actions menu from the main Events grid.

Auto Reminders: This option will allow you to set up automated email campaigns that can be sent to your event attendees.

Event Expenses: This option will allow you to track any expenses associated with your events.

Organizations that utilize the theater seating options will also see:

Event Seating Map: Allows you to see a map of available and sold seats in a chart.

Seating Charts: This option will allow you to set up a seating chart for your event. You also will need to have Seating Chart turned on and choose the corresponding Seating Chart for your event under the Seating Chart dropdown on your Event Page.