You can create questions using these formats:
- Constituent Field - Select from one of the many fields available on the constituent's profile. When the survey is completed, if it is a new constituent the information will populate into their new record. If it is an existing constituent and they are matched by their name and primary email, blank fields will be populated with the information supplied in the survey.
- Constituent Field also has a sub-field of Payment where you can accept credit card payments for fixed or adjustable amounts.
- Currency - to collect information about a dollar amount
- Document Upload - allows respondent to upload a document such as a resume or drivers license that might be required for an application
- Email Address - this is an information only field. The email address will not populate into the record. Use the Constituent Field and select Name and Email or Company Name and Email to import the email address into their constituent record.
- Instruction - not a question but instructions or welcome paragraph for the survey or poll. No answer provided.
- Multiple Lines of Text - For asking open ended questions that may require more than just a few words to complete. You can set a maximum word limit.
- Multi-select checkboxes - the respondent can select one or more responses
- Multi-select table - the respondent can provide rankings for multiple items housed under one question.
- Numeric scale - Ranking the response. You can set what the minimum and maximum values are.
- Numeric value with decimal places - The respondent can enter a number with decimal places
- Numeric value without decimal places - The respondent answers with a number without decimal places
- Percent - The respondent answers with a percentage
- Signature - collects an electronic signature. The respondent can use a mouse, a finger on touch screens, or other pointing device to sign.
- Single Line of Text - to gather a short answer and you can set the maximum number of words.
- Single-Select Checkbox - A single select check box asks the respondent to check the box. This can be used to verify the respondent has read and understands instructions or can be used when adding logic, such that if they check the box a follow up question will appear.
- Single-Select Drop Down - provides a drop down list and only one answer can be selected.
- Single-Select Option Buttons - shows all the options in a list with a round button next to them, but only one answer can be selected.
- Single-Select Table - Provides a ranked list of multiple items so that you can rank each item only one way. For example, if asking someone to rank three flavors of ice cream, only one can be ranked the favorite, only one can the second favorite and only one can be a least favorite.
- Specific Date - allows the respondent to enter a specific date
- Start Rating - allows the respondent to provide a start ranking to a question, for example 5 stars out of 5 were given for service but only 4 out of 5 stars was given for the food.