If the constituent is not already in the database, you can go to the company's profile page and add a new employee by clicking on the "+" located under Company Contacts. This will open a quick add window to add the new constituent's name, email, address and phone number information. When you click Save, the constituent will be added to the Company Contacts list and an employer-employee relationships will also be added.

If the constituent is already in the database, go to the contact’s profile and select the company that they work for in the Company dropdown box. This will add them as an employee on that company’s profile screen. It will also create a relationship on the Relationships tab for both the contact and the company. If the company does not yet exist in the database, click on the "+" next to the company field to do a quick add for the constituent record. After adding, you can look up the company on the drop down list. Click the Save button to save your changes on the profile page.