When selecting Batch Update Records from an Action menu, you can update information for the constituents shown on your grid, up to a maximum of 500 records, all at once.

Begin by filtering the grid for the constituents you would like to update, ensuring that your view includes no more than 500 records. Select the Actions menu and click on Batch Update Records.

One of the batch update options is to add a document into all the constituent's records. From the Batch Update Records window, click on the Document section. Here you can:

  • Give the document a Name
  • Add Tags for the document
  • Assign the document to a Document Category
  • Add a description for the document
  • Enter the valid dates for the document
  • Check the box if this includes a hyperlink, which will reveal a new box to copy and paste the URL
  • Check the box if this document should be available in the donor's portal account

Click on Select File to choose the file to upload from your computer. Note that documents should be less than 10 MB in file size for fast download and viewing.

Click Update to save the document or hyperlink into all the constituent's records that are shown on the grid.