LYBUNT (pronounced "lie-bunt") means donors who have given Last Year But Unfortunately Not This. This refers specifically to donors who gave in the immediately preceding (last) calendar/fiscal year but not in the current calendar/fiscal year.

The Views Library on the Constituent grid has ready-to-use LYBUNT and LFYBUNT views. There is also a SYBUNT (Some Year) view which shows donors who have given in any previous year, but not the current year.

From the Constituent grid, select the triple dot menu of an existing view on the left sidebar and select "Open Builder". In the left side bar select your preferred LYBUNT view from the Views Library. Then click the arrow on the right side of the green Save button to "Save View As" and name the view. Close the builder by clicking on the "x" in the upper right-hand corner, then select the new view from the "My Views" list on the grid.

The preset view generates the list of lapsed donors by applying two filters in Step 2:

  1. Is greater than or equal to: 1.00 to Last Year Received Amount for LYBUNT, Last Fiscal Year Received Amount for LFYBUNT, or Cumulative Received Amount for SYBUNT.
  2. Is Empty to YTD Received Amount for LYBUNT and SYBUNT, or FYTD Received Amount for LFYBUNT.

The respective columns above are included in the Selected Columns in Step 1 along with common constituent fields, and in Step 3 a Descending sort is applied to the column from Filter 1 to display the previous donation amount totals from largest to smallest. You can see the filters and sorts that have been applied to your view by clicking on Filter and Sort at the top of the grid.

Can can continue to add and edit with additional filters, sorts, and quick queries from the side menu. Be sure to save the view once you are are satisfied with the results. You can use the Actions menu to export all the data to Excel, send this group an email or text message, create an email list, or send a mail merge letter.