Youth Membership Module
The youth membership module is a specialty module that must be activated during implementation and data conversion. This module operates somewhat independently from other modules, like the general memberships and events features. It works in conjunction with the portal so that parents/guardians register their children for various memberships and programs only through the portal. The parents/guardians have a profile record in the CRM module, however the youth members do not. They can only be found in the youth membership module.
The first step in establishing a youth membership is the set-up of the various sites where services and programs will be delivered. The second step is entering the school years and adding the membership levels. And the final set-up step is adding the programs. To learn more about this module, see the video “Youth Membership” (password DV2017) in the library.
The members grid will show all the youth members that have been enrolled in a school year and what membership level they have. It also includes their contact and personal information. Like the constituent grid, clicking on a member’s last name will open their personal profile page and record.
Every youth member must have at least one guardian identified. The primary guardian is the Head of Household. There can be one additional guardian identified. On the guardian grid view the name and contact information can be found for the guardian and the linked youth member. Clicking on the guardian’s last name will open the guardian information tab on the youth member’s profile record.
The emergency grid is the list of emergency contacts for the youth members. The grid includes each youth member under the Last Name column and includes the emergency contacts for each school year and membership level under the Emergency Contact Last Name column. Clicking on the Emergency Contact’s last name will open the Emergency tab in the youth member’s profile record.
The medical grid is a summary of the medical information in all the youth member’s profile records along with physician and head of household information. Clicking on the youth member’s last name navigates to the medical tab on their profile record.
The household grid shows all the members of each household. Clicking on the household name will navigate to the profile record of the youth member shown on that row.
The enrollment grid shows all the youth members and which programs they are enrolled in. There is a summary and detail view. The summary view includes all the program information, but the detail view also will show if payments are due, and check or cash payments can be recorded here. Receipts and statements can be printed with the Payment History feature.
Upcoming Birthdays
The upcoming birthdays gird will show the birthdays for youth members. The grid can be filtered by the “Days Till Birthday” column to see upcoming birthdays.
Depending on how attendance is collected, youth members can be checked in for their activities either at the club or program level. Historical attendance can be viewed for the youth members on this grid.
Time Tracking
For youth membership programs which require that the members do volunteer service, this grid tracks the volunteer hours for each youth member on the grid. Hours can be added here or via the youth member’s profile record under the Time Tracking tab.
Interactions can be recorded for any special contact or communication with the youth members. The grid shows the summary of all interactions. New interactions can be added from the grid with +New or from the youth member’s profile record under the Interactions tab.
The first step in setting up youth memberships is establishing the sites where services will be delivered. At least one site must be entered to enable youth membership.
School Years
The second step in setting up youth memberships is entering the school year. Each school year can have single or multiple membership levels. This feature also determines if youth members must be enrolled in a school year before they can enroll in a program.
The third and final set for setting up youth memberships is entering the various programs that will be offered at the sites. The programs are linked to school years and sites so the guardians can select the appropriate school year, site, then the program. The programs can also be set up to offer membership pricing when there is an option to enroll in a program without becoming a member first.
The setup feature allows Boys & Girls Clubs to submit their programs to the national association with the BGCA Submission feature. The Custom Fields feature allows the creation of custom information in the youth member’s profile. The Required Fields feature makes certain fields required when the guardian is enrolling their youth in the programs. And the Coupon Codes feature creates coupon codes that can be used by the guardians when enrolling in memberships or programs.
Mail Merge YM Templates
Mail merge letters can be created from the data in the guardian’s grid. Similar to the letter libraries in the CRM, Membership, and Events module, letter templates can be created and sent via the actions or Mail Merge icons on the guardian’s grid.