The General Membership Dashboard consist of 4 graphic panels displaying information collected within your Membership Transactions. The first and top left panel shows Pie Chart displaying how many constituent are subscribed in each of your Membership Levels. The second and top right panel shows the number of new memberships  submitted by month. The third and bottom left panel show the total number of memberships submitted per month. The final and bottom right panel shows 6 different stats, listed below:

New Memberships in the last 30 days - How many first time Memberships have been submitted in the last 30 days.

Membership renewals FYTD  - How many Memberships have be renewed Fiscal Year to Date

Memberships overdue FYTD - How many Membership have expired and have not be renewed Fiscal Year to Date.

Memberships expiring next 30 days - How many Memberships have an expiration date within 30 days of today.

Active Memberships - How many Memberships have a future expiration date.

Gap Memberships FYTD - How many Memberships had a gape between their expiration and renewal Fiscal Year to Date.