The Membership Setup is the third step in the creation of a membership page. Here you will create the different levels of membership that constituents can sign up for. You can also create Add-Ons that can be purchased with a membership, upload a document that can be visible on the membership page for acknowledgment, or add coupon codes that can be used for discounts during checkout.


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The first sub-tab within this step is called Levels. Here is where each of your membership levels can be created, copied, or edited. There is no limit to the number of levels you can create.


To create a new membership level, click the “+ Add Level” button and a new prompt window will appear on your screen. This window will display all the available options and features for the level setup. There are also two tabs on this window, the first is Level Info and the second is Upload Image, which will allow you to upload an image that will appear on the page if you display your levels as tiles. Below are the descriptions for each of the fields appearing on the setup of a Membership level.


Level Info


Sort Order – Enter a number, the lower the number the higher this Membership level will appear on the page. By default, the numbers will start at 10 and increase in increments of 10, so 20, 30, 40, etc.

Name – Enter the text that will display as the title for this Membership level.

Description – Enter the text that is available as a description for this Membership level. Note that this information is displayed when a the “description” link is clicked under the level on the page.


Monthly Membership – When selected to YES, if this membership will renew automatically at the end of each month. Monthly memberships cannot be set as recurring payments or set up for pay later.

Duration (Days) – For rolling memberships, enter the number of days that the membership will be valid for from the original transaction date. Most often, this is 365. So, if a membership is purchased on October 13th, it will expire on October 12th the following year.

Expire on Last Day of the Month – Select YES if the expiration date should be pushed to the end of the month in which their expiration would occur. For example, if the membership is purchased on October 12th, it will expire on October 31st the following year.

Expiration Date – For hard expiration dates, enter a specific date for this Membership level to expire.  Everyone who purchases this membership level will expire on the same date.

Lifetime – Select YES if there is no expiration date and the membership should stay active forever.



Formula Based Price? – When selected to YES, you can create a formula for calculating the cost of a membership.

Base Price – Enter the base price for the membership level.

Additional Unit Price – Enter the price that will be added for each unit. The member will be asked to enter the total number of units to calculate their price.

Minimum Multiplier Price – Enter the minimum price for the membership. This should be equal to or greater than the base price.

Maximum Multiplier Price – Enter the maximum price for the membership. 

Formula Price Title – Customizable title for the formula price.

Formula Price Description  Enter a description for the units and how the formula price is calculated. You can include instructions for how the information should be filled out.


Price Prorated – This feature is for hard membership expiration dates only. When set to YES, the cost of the membership will be calculated based on the difference between the purchase date and the hard expiration date.

Price – For flat fee memberships, enter the cost for this Membership level.

Non-Refundable Fee – Enter how much of that cost would not be refunded.

Tax-Deduct. Amount – Enter how much of that cost is Tax-Deductible.

Member Type:

Primary's Membership Type – Select which type of member entry fields should display Company or Individual for Primary members.

Seconday's Membership Type Select which type of member entry fields should display Company or Individual for Secondary members.

# Of Primary – Enter how many primary members are included in this membership level. Note that this may have a different label depending on what you entered on the Settings tab. 

# Of Secondary – Enter then how many secondary members can be added to this membership level.

Create Secondary as Constituents – If secondary members are included in the membership level, when set to YES, secondary members will have a constituent profile record created. If set to NO, the secondary constituents will still count as a constituent, however they will not have a constituent profile record and will only appear on the membership owner’s membership tab or the Details View of the Membership Grid.


# Of Additional Primary Allowed – Enter the number of additional primary members that can be added to this membership level beyond the base number. Think of this like an a la carte option where additional members can be optionally added.

Price Per Additional Primary – Enter the additional cost for each additional primary member.

# Of Additional Secondary Allowed – Enter the number of additional secondary members that can be added to this membership level beyond the base number. 

Price per Additional Dependent – Enter the additional cost for each additional secondary member.


When Create Secondary as Constituents is set to YES, the following 5 fields will be added to the setup.

Primary’s Relationship to Secondary – Select the relationship of the primary members to the secondary members. This will create a relationship record linking the primary members to the secondary members. For example, “Parent” or “Employer.”

Secondary's Relationship to Primary – Select the reciprocal relationship values for the relationship of the secondary member to the primary member. For example, “Child” or “Employee.”

Relationship Category – Select a category the primary-secondary relationship. For example, ‘Family” or “Work.”

Primary’s Constituent Category – Select what constituent category value the primary members should automatically be subscribed to.

Secondary’s Constituent Category – Select what constituent category value the secondary members should automatically be subscribed to.

Member Renewal:

If you have auto-renewal turn on for your membership form then when creating your membership levels you will be able to select which specific Membership Form and Level the auto renewal should be processed through. This selection is done through two fields:


Membership Name – Select which membership form the desired level for auto-renewal is setup on.


Membership Level – Select which membership level the auto-renewal of transaction purchase through the currently level should be process through upon their expiration.


State – For customers that offer different memberships across different State you can now assign which State this Membership is connected too.

Region – For customer that offer different memberships across different Regions you can now assign which Region this Membership is connected too.


Vote Weight? – For customers whose membership levels are used to determine vote weight in their elections you can now set the “# of Votes” assigned to each level. This weight will then display on each membership transaction on the main Membership grid.


Turn on “Vote Weight?” and then enter the “# Of Votes” you wish to assign to this specific level. Each level can have a different number.


Default For - This value is the default For designation for this membership level only. If you want to keep it the same as the what was set up on the Settings page, you can leave this blank.

Default Fund - This value is the default Fund designation for this membership level only. If you want to keep it the same as the what was set up on the Settings page, you can leave this blank.

Default Event - This value is the default Event designation for this membership level only. If you want to keep it the same as the what was set up on the Settings page, you can leave this blank.

Default Appeal - This value is the default Appeal designation for this membership level only. If you want to keep it the same as the what was set up on the Settings page, you can leave this blank.


Sponsorship Level – If desired, you can link this membership level to a sponsorship level by selecting it here. The sponsorship level must be created in the Fundraising Module. When this membership level is purchased, the sponsorship tasks assigned to this sponsorship level will automatically be assigned.

Subscribe to Email List – Select which email list the purchaser will be automatically subscribed to after submission.

Inactive – When set to YES, this membership level will not be available for purchase and is hidden from the page. Marking a level as Inactive does not affect any previous transactions.


If finished, click on the blue Update button to save the information, otherwise proceed to the Upload Image tab.



Upload Image


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Click on Select files to choose the image for your membership level. Note that an image will only appear if the Tiles view is selected on the Settings Tab under General Content & Display Options.


Click on the blue Update button to save changes.



After the Level sub-tab, you can proceed to the Fees sub-tab. Here you will be able to create fees that will be added to the total cost of the membership transaction.


Like setting up a Membership level, you can create as many Fees as you wish. To create a new Add-On, click the “+ Add Fee” button. This will launch a new prompt window and allow you to set the available options and features for that item. Below are the descriptions for each of the fields appearing on the setup of a Fee.

Name - This label will display next to the one-time fee amount.

Description - Enter the text that is available as a description for this fee.

Amount - This amount will be added to the purchase total as an additional fee.

One Time Fee Override Code - The value entered into this field can be used during a purchase to remove the one-time fee.

Exclude From Auto-Renewal - When set to YES, the one-time fee will not be added to a transaction during its auto renewal.

Default For, Fund, Event and Appeal - Select which values should be assigned to the Fee split of the transaction.



After the Fee sub-tab, you can proceed to the Add-Ons sub-tab. Here you will be able to create additional items that can be purchased alongside a membership level. Examples of Add-Ons could be optional fees for items like lockers or merchandise for sale.


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Like setting up a Membership level, you can create as many Add-Ons as you wish. To create a new Add-On, click the “+ Add Add-On” button. This will launch a new prompt window and allow you to set the available options and features for that item. There are two tabs on this window, the first is Add-On Info, and the second Upload Image which will allow you to upload an image that will appear within the Add-On on the membership page if you are displaying as Tiles. Below are the descriptions for each of the fields appearing on the setup of an Add-On.


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Sort Order – Enter a number, the lower the number the higher this add-on will appear on the page. By default, the numbers will start at 10 and increase in increments of 10, so 20, 30, 40, etc.

Name – Enter the text that will display as the title for this add-on item.

Description – Enter the text that is available as a description for this add-on. Note that this information is displayed when a the “description” link is clicked under the add-on on the page.

Price – Enter the cost of this Add-On.

Non-Refundable Fee – Enter how much of that cost/price will not be refunded.

Quantity – If there is a limited quantity of these items, you can enter it here. If unlimited, leave it blank.


Default For - This value is the default For designation for this add-on only. If you want to keep it the same as the what was set up on the Settings page, you can leave this blank.

Default Fund - This value is the default Fund designation for this add-on only. If you want to keep it the same as the what was set up on the Settings page, you can leave this blank.

Default Event - This value is the default Event designation for this add-on only. If you want to keep it the same as the what was set up on the Settings page, you can leave this blank.

Default Appeal - This value is the default Appeal designation for this add-on only. If you want to keep it the same as the what was set up on the Settings page, you can leave this blank.


Inactive – When set to YES, this Add-On will not be available for purchase and will be hidden from the page. This does not affect any previous transactions.


The Upload Image feature for an add-on is the same as described above for the membership level.




After the Add-Ons sub-tab, you will find the Document sub-tab. Here you will be able to upload a document that will be displayed on the membership page. This document will show as a clickable link that will download the file onto the viewer's computer or mobile device. Along with the document, you are also able to customize the headline displayed before the document and the text of the clickable link. You can also require that the document be acknowledged by checking a box on the membership page. Below are the descriptions for each of the fields appearing on the setup of a Document.


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Document Name – Enter the text that will be displayed as the clickable text to download the document.

Headline – Enter the text that will proceed with the Document Name on the membership page.

Requires Acknowledgement – When set to YES, it will require the member to check a box on the page next to the document Headline and Name before they can submit the transaction.


Click on Select File to choose the document for the member to download. Once selected, click on the green Upload button to add the file to the page.


Below is an example of how the  Headline and Document Name are displayed on the membership page.

Document Name = Club Rules

Headline = Please acknowledge that you agree to the rules of the club.


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Once a document is uploaded to a page, to edit that document, click the blue Remove File button. Then upload your new file. If you are only changing the labels and text, you can just click on the green Update button to update those fields.


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The final sub-tab within the Membership Setup is for the setup of coupon codes. These codes can be used by both internal users and members to assign discounts on membership transactions. Listed on the grid will be any previously created coupons. You will also find a checkbox with the title, “Include Expired Coupons,” if you wish to see coupon codes that are no longer active. The coupon codes shown and created here are also shared with those created within the Events pages.


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To create a new coupon code, click the “+ Add Coupon” button. This will launch a new prompt window and allow you to set the available options and features for that Coupon. Here you can set up the code itself along with setting Quantity, Dates, and the Discount. Below are the descriptions for each of the fields appearing on the setup of a Coupon.


Code – Insert the text-numeric value that can be entered on the membership page to unlock the discount.

Quantity – Enter how many times this coupon code can be redeemed. If you leave the value at 0.00 the coupon will have unlimited redemption.

Start Date – Enter the date the coupon will become active for use.

End Date – Enter the date the coupon will become inactive. Note the coupon will become inactive at 12:01 am on the day you select.

Amount – Enter the total amount that should be discounted from the membership level price. 

Percent – Or, if you don’t want a specific amount, you can instead enter in a percent off of the membership level. The coupon can only be one or the other, amount or percent. If you have values in both fields, only the flat amount off will be applied. Also, for percent off coupons, the percent off only applies to the membership level, not add-ons or donations.


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Once you have filled out the fields, you can click the “Update” button to generate the coupon. You will then be able to edit or delete that coupon until it is redeemed on a membership or event page. Once redeemed, the coupon cannot be edited. To edit a coupon that have never been redeemed, click the Pencil and Paper Icon that appears on the coupon row to the left.


After completing your coupon, you are then able to assign which membership levels the coupon can be used on. On the grid, select the desired coupon and it will highlight in blue. Below the coupon grid, you will then see a list of all your membership levels. Checkmark which levels this coupon can be used on for a discount.


As your coupons are used, this grid will also be able to show you how many times each coupon has been redeemed.


Once you have completed each of these sub-tabs as needed, you can click “Save & Next” to move on to the next step.