Once you have received the new credit card information from your Donor you can go into their record and enter the new information on the Payment Options tab.  Select +Add credit card to add a new card number.

If a new card has been added or the constituent wishes to charge a different card, it will be necessary to update the pledge. 

  • Go to the pledge from the constituent's Pledges Tab. 
  • Double click on the amount due for the pledge to be updated to open the pledge. 
  • Go to the Payment Method drop-down, on the left just above the Payment Schedule. 
  • Select the drop-down and switch the selected value from the old card to the new and click on the green Save button on the top or bottom of the page.
  • Once the old card is no longer linked to any donations it can be deleted on the Payment Options tab.
  • Deleting the old card will stop any Credit Card Expiration notification emails as well.