Within your Constituent database you may be tracking multiple individuals as Constituents who reside within the same household. Those individuals can now be grouped together under a Household record which allows you to visualize the connection between each Household Member and see a cumulative collection of all their Gifts, Interactions, Documents, Event, Auctions, and Time Tracking displayed across the various grids within a Household record.

A new Household record can be created a few different ways, either on the main Constituent grid or within a Constituent’s record on their Relationship tab. If you are on the main Constituent grid, then under the “+ New” menu you will find the “Household” option. Clicking Household will bring you to the start of a new record. A dialog will pop up and allow you to search for the Constituent whom you wish to assign as the Head of Household for this new Household record. This selected Constituent’s information will be used to populate most of the fields within the Household’s profile. Once you have searched for and selected the desired Constituent you can click the green “Continue” button.


Note: If you do not select a Constituent as the Head of Household first you will be able to add one later.


The Head of Household Constituent will then be used to populate fields like the Household Name, Salutations, and their Default Email Address, Mailing Address and Phone Number will also be moved over. You are welcome to update any of these fields except for the Email Address. Although the Head of Household’s email address is displayed and can be used to email the Household it is not actually connected to this record and its subscriptions cannot be managed through the Household record.