The setup for a new membership registration page or editing an existing one can be found by navigating to the Membership Pages screen. (Workspace>General Membership>Membership Pages)



Once on this page, you can select “+New” to create a brand new page. If you need to edit an existing form, you can select it on the grid and click “View/Edit” and “Membership Pages”.


Inside the setup of a membership page, you will see 7 tabs at the top of the page indicating the steps you need to complete to activate a page. Descriptions for each step are listed below.


Acknowledgment Info – Create a name for your membership page and set up email sender details for the Thank You Email sent to the constituent after membership is submitted.

Membership Settings – Here you set up the main features of the form including notifications, financial settings, and content and display options.

Membership Setup – This tab is where you will create the different levels of membership that constituents can sign up for and set up add-ons, documents, and coupons.

Membership Directory – If you plan to use the membership directory, either publicly on your website or privately in the portal, you can customize the way the directory is set up and what fields are shown.

Membership Styling – Here you can customize the form through background colors, fonts, and font colors. The styling can be saved as a template to make the customization process easier in the future.

Thank You Message – Edit the content and styling of the email that is shown on screen and emailed out after membership is submitted.

Preview & Publish – Once you reach this step, your membership page is ready to share and begin processing transactions. This step will provide the URL and HTML code needed to share or publish the page on your website. You can also get the membership directory, QR code, and create a text code for members to sign up via a mobile device.